White science model

Soothing anti-redness

A soothing strategy for repairing and protecting sensitive and intolerant skin.

Discover the treatment

The DEFENCE SOLUTION treatment is designed to reduce irritation and counteract redness, dryness, and itching. It also soothes and protects, nourishing the skin while keeping its functions balanced.

The line's scientific innovation comes in the form of the NIOSOME DEFENCE COMPLEX, a complex of natural active ingredients, using niosomes as carriers. Technologically developed from liposomes, niosomes allow the main active ingredients to penetrate the skin. 


*Instrumental tests performed after 5 professional treatments using DIBI MILANO DEFENCE SOLUTION.
**Clinical tests performed after 5 professional treatments using DIBI MILANO DEFENCE SOLUTION.
  • +44%
    Hydration in 1 hour*
  • -7.8%
    Erythema index**
  • 80% of women experienced
    Visibly reduced redness**
  • Clinical tests also showed reduced discomfort (stinging, itching, "tugging feeling")**.
Are you ready to take care of your skin?
Are you ready to take care of your skin? SCOPRI DI PIÙ
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