Viso_Trattamento_Idro-nutriente_Esfoliante_rinnovante_Dibi milano

Moisturizing facial - Cloned in [it-it]

A double hydrating and nourishing response, for all skin types, in every climatic condition.

Discover the treatment

Skin needs water, at 20 as well as at 40 years, because hydration is the first part of our daily routine to keep our skin fresh and slow skin ageing.
HYDRA PERFECTION treatments are able to stimulate the physiological mechanisms of hydration and re-establish the correct reserves of water and nourishment of the skin’s tissues.

*Clinical-instrumental tests conducted on Extreme Hydration Gel and Cream.


To hydrate and nourish every level of the skin and in the various climatic conditions*. Because our skin changes based on the weather and needs formulas that automatically adapt to the various weather forecasts. The products in the line are rich in Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen that offer an extreme youth effect from the very first treatment.
Your skin is revitalised, rich in water, your complexion is radiant.

Results of Moisturizing facial treatment

* Clinical-instrumental tests conducted on 20 women after the 1st HYDRA PERFECTION treatment - immediate assessment after application.
** Clinical-instrumental tests conducted on 20 women after the 1st HYDRA PERFECTION treatment - assessment 1 hour after application.
***Self-assessment tests conducted on beauticians and the 20 people subjected to the complete HYDRA PEREFCTION treatment.
  • Up to +136%
    hydration (an average of 53%)*.
  • More than 50%
    water reserves reintegrated.
  • Up to +52%
    skin compactness (average 26%)**
  • Up to -56%
    less skin water evaporation (average 25%)**. Up to more than half of the skin’s water is preserved.
  • 100% of consumers
    swear by the extraordinary treatment and would recommend it to a friend***.
Are you ready to take care of your skin?
Are you ready to take care of your skin? SCOPRI DI PIÙ
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